
Last updated on December 21st, 2023 at 05:08 am

Vintage Inspired Patterns, Facsimiles and Reproductions; Random Crafting, Cooking and Traveling.

December 20, 2023:  I have moved to a new hosting server, all my pages are loading so much faster now!  There shouldn’t be any problems or issues accessing anything on my site, but if you see anything wrong, just let me know.  Now I have no excuse procrastinating anymore on the very-much-needed site redesign 😉

1912 Cape from 10th Edition

August 16, 2023:  Just uploaded the 10th edition of Fleisher’s Knitting & Crocheting Manual from 1912, containing over 160 patterns!  This was a challenging book to scan as it was in very poor condition and omg did it smell!  The original spinal glue had broken down completely creating a ever so lovely rotten wet dog smell lol.  A few pages were missing and some pages were simply too brittle/stained/rusted for me to scan, so I spent over a week recreating those pages.  Was fun to bring out my old typesetting skills doing my best to match the original text as closely as possible.  When I get some spare time, I’ll write up a post on how I cleaned and repaired this book, it was pretty cool to do.  For a limited time, I’ve posted this on sale for $3.75!

1909 Shawl from 7th Edition

I just (August 11th) uploaded Fleisher’s Knitting & Crocheting Manual, 7th Edition, from 1909 – 104 pages containing 75 patterns.  Check out these lovely Edwardian-era patterns!  I’m super proud of this scan because this book is in very, very fragile condition and quite musty.   I had to ever so gently take it apart to clean it and repair the spine and folds of many pages then scan it, repairing the stapled binding using best practices.  I know it sounds corny but I got a big thrill when I was able to successfully reuse the original staples!  Anyways, I have posted the scan of this book and for a limited time, the PDF is on sale for just $3!  Thanks for checking it out!

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The Fleisher’s Yarn Dexter Cap: Crocheting a 1917 Vintage Hat Pattern Step by Step

The 1917 Fleisher’s Yarn Dexter Cap tl;dr:  This vintage pattern is written in such a way it’s really quite straightforward to crochet as is.   I have, however, rewritten the pattern at the bottom of this post in modern terms.  You can also download a PDF of this pattern, rewritten in modern terms, for free here:  […]


October 2022 Site Updates

October 2022 updates included vintage yarn/thread color sample cards (plus brief histories and advertisements) from January & Wood Co. Maysville, Eureka Yarn Company, Contessa Yarns, and Charles Y. Butterworth;  and a page of Lily Mills advertisements and news clippings.  I’m still slowly, every so slowly, restoring old blog posts! (Yes, posting a monthly recap of what’s new is something […]


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