1917 Fleisher Yarn Knitting Instructions

Last updated on September 21st, 2022 at 11:29 am

The following pages are from “Fleisher’s Knitting and Crocheting Manual, 15th Edition” published in 1917.  Scans are by Google Books from a physical book at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s library.  Below each page is the cross-referenced stitch directions from elsewhere in the book.

Petaluma stitch:
1st row: Purl.
2nd row: Knit 2 together.
3rd row: *Take up the yarn between the stitches, knit 1 stitch.  Place needle in next stitch, wrap twice, then knit stitch.*
4th row: Knit the stitches and drop the loops.
Repeat above rows as needed.

Palm Beach stitch:
Coming Soon™

Delmar Stitch:
1st row: Knit 3, *over, narrow, knit 3,* 1 time, over, narrow, knit 7.
Every second row knit.  (NB:  knit every other row)
3rd row:  Knit 4, *over, narrow, knit 3,* 16 times, over, narrow, knit 6.
5th row:  Knit 5, *over, narrow, knit 3,* 16 times, over, narrow, knit 5.
7th row:  Knit 6, *over, narrow, knit 3,* 16 times, over, narrow, knit 4.
9th row:  Knit 7, *over, narrow, knit 3,* 17 times, over, narrow, knit 3
10th row:  Knit.
Repeat pattern as desired.

Lillian Stitch:
Knit 8 rows
8 rows knit 3, *over, narrow,* knit 3.†
Repeat pattern as desired.




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