I recently went through my T-shirts and pulled out all the grungy, torn, excessively worn, old T-shirts intending to cut them up to use as rags, but I already have too many rags! So I decided to try something new (to me) & made t-shirt yarn out of them, which I then made into a braided rag rug!
Once it got larger than my lap, I had to start working on it only at night as it got too hot to have it lay on my lap as I was working on it! It was about this size when it got too hot to work on during the day (pardon the now-cleared floor clutter).
I thought about making it larger, to use as a blanket/comforter 😀 but oddly, it’s quite a bit heavier than you would think. Feels almost like a weighted blanket, but not that quite that heavy. It’s warmer than a throw blanket, but cooler than a quilt/comforter, so more like medium weight fall comforter. Best part is I can simply throw this rug in the washer and dryer! Next T-shirt project will be the EVE Online T-shirt quilt … but I won’t start on that till it gets a bit cooler outside. Might have to stream parts of the making of that quilt!
It feels really great to walk on, too!
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