Last updated on January 18th, 2023 at 05:33 am
This 16-page booklet contains 10 or so nifty doilies, all created using crochet thread. This PDF file is a new scan of my personal copy of the original book. The patterns use vintage “tatting cotton”, “bedspread cotton”, crochet thread in size 30, and pearl cotton in size 5 on the various patterns. I’ve used modern pearl cotton size 5 and crochet thread size 10 on the patterns I’ve completed and had no issues with sizing, but you may need adjust the size of the crochet hooks you use to achieve the desired size.  Overall, these patterns read in such a way you should have few to no problems understanding them in a modern context. I would rate the patterns as moderate in difficulty.
This digital scan is a complete reproduction of the entire booklet. Each page has been lightly cleaned up, but it has not been retyped or updated to current terminology and/or techniques.
Free download, no registration required!
This book has NOT been retyped. Should it be retyped by me in the future, you will automatically receive the updated version. Should you have any issues with reading the text of the patterns, please let me know and I will adjust the scan as needed for you.
This listing is for the PDF file download only, NOT a finished product.
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